Bright Friday: On Bright Friday, which is also the Feast of the Life-giving Spring of the Most-Holy Theotokos, there was performed a Liturgy, and also "The Lessor Blessing of the Waters" with a procession around the church. Also, on this day a new icon for our church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril Teachers of the Slavs was blessed. This icon, a gift from ascetics of one of the cells of St. Anne's Skete on Mt. Athos, has particles of the honorable relics of those Saints.
It is a common practice within the Holy Church to perform cross processions with holy icons, honorable relics and with the sprinkling of holy water during plagues and other calamities. Many times in the history of the Church, pestilences have subsided after such sacred acts have been performed. With prayer, faith and hope, may the COVID-19 pandemic subside with great speed.
Divine Services for Great Lent and the first days of Pascha: By the mercy of God, during the quarantine caused by COVID-19, all of the usual Divine Services our parish preforms during Great Lent and the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ were successfully accomplished, as has been customary over the years (without the faithful present, of course). There was a small team of helpers assisting Father Rector, Archpriest Paul Volmensky; namely his daughters Alexandra and Maria were the chanters and singers.
Live streaming: The COVID-19 quarantine (Sacramento County Orders from March 19th) had caught many off guard, including in some respects, Holy Ascension Church. One difficulty for the community was that it became very important to provide a connection between the parish and the parishioners, all of whom were sheltered in place at home. With this in mind, the parish set up live steam of the Divine Services. Our YouTube channel has 22 recorded live streams to date, starting with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete on April 1st, 2020, and finishing with the Great Vespers on Pascha Day, April 19th. Our equipment was very primitive in the start. But, in time we have refined our production. Many thanks to those donors and technicians who made this happen and brought our live stream system up to professional grade.
Gratitude to our donors: As is clear to anyone who supports our parish, our church and campus survive on donations. With the absence of the opportunity to attend the Divine Services our parish has been deprived of much needed income which is normally brought in person by those who visit. However, many, many people of our community have seen this problem and have come forward with Paschal donations, or with donations to help cover our operational budget. The Rector and members of the Church Parish Council of Holy Ascension Church recognize the consideration of these donors and offer sincere gratitude for their generosity. For now, we are not able to attend church. Nonetheless, our facilities continue to function and perform holy works. By the mercy of God we have been able to do so for the benefit of our parishioners, their respective families, the God-protected City of Sacramento and the whole world. Many thanks to those who participate financially in this holy work. Donations may be sent to Holy Ascension Church, 714 13th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. NOTE: A means for making online donations through this websitei is underway.
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