Join us this Sunday August 5th in the hall after Divine Liturgy, as Robin Joy shares stories of the four Russian Orthodox Saints connected to the history of California and Alaska. The event will take place at 1:30pm, and there will be hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch!
Holy Ascension Church
714 13th St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Robin worked at Fort Ross for 27 years before retiring last year. During her years at Fort Ross she created programs and projects that brought many diverse cultures together. She also worked closely with the Russian Orthodox Churches sharing the history of the church during the Colony era. During her presentation she will highlight the spiritual connection of the Russian Orthodox Church with those who lived and worked alongside the Russian American Company of the Northwest Pacific.
The Northwest Pacific was home to a very diverse people in a changing time, and the church and the good deeds from the church presence in the colonies created a positive impact that still holds strong today. For many, the church, was viewed as protectors and defenders of human rights—a daily blessing. The deep rooted spiritual connection to the church and to the people who lived and worked throughout the colonies in Alaska and at Fort Ross is what makes the telling of these stories so wonderful and meaningful.
In Robin's talk she will also share stories of her most recent collaboration with Tribal Members that surround the Ross Colony and the work they are doing today with the Kunstkamera Museum in St. Petersburg. At the end of the presentation she will highlight the remarkable work of those connected to the Fort Ross story today. Though they live thousands of miles from each other in Russia and California, they share a spiritual connection facilitating the creation of the California Collection publication. What has been accomplished over the course of 6 years, with a common goal and the shared passion of working together to better understand an historic collection of artifacts that represent the daily life of native people, is truly a success. A unique and remarkable story in our shared California history between Russia and America.